Next Sunday: Sun, Feb 23 @ 10:45 am

What We Believe

Church is so much more than just what happens on a Sunday morning.  Being part of a church is living life together as a family. 

At Living Water, we try to provide many different opportunities throughout the week for adults, youth & children to live and grow as followers of Jesus and to serve each other and our community.

When you join us on a Sunday morning, we hope you experience the following:

  • Inspiring worship – Living Water celebrates God’s goodness in a style that is vibrant and helps people to a deeper understanding of how awesome God really is!
  • Loving relationships – Living Water is open to everyone, and we try to make sure that everyone who comes feels welcome whether they are looking for a church family to be part of or they are just visiting.
  • Relevant Bible teaching – The teaching at Living Water is grounded on God’s Word, and we try to communicate the Bible in a way that is easily understood and applied to our everyday lives.
  • Comfortable dress – Living Water believes that God invites us to come to Him just as we are. If you are coming with a heart intent on seeking God, then you’re already in your Sunday best!

Our Mission

We are a community of people who are being transformed by the grace of God through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our mission is to go out and bring God’s love to life by living and loving like Jesus and inviting others to do the same.

Our Team

Tim Snyder


Tim serves as the lead pastor at Living Water along with his wife Suzi. They have four kids, Noah, Ava, Elijah, and Micah and they live in New Hamburg. Tim and Suzi have been in ministry since they were 19 years old. They worked with inner city youth in Toronto and with Muslims in Bosnia before moving back to Canada to serve as pastor at Living Water. It is their desire that everyone would come to know the saving grace of Jesus that has transformed their lives and is the foundation for all that they do.